Level 15: | 1,500/3,000 (3,000) |
Entries: | 60/296 |
Prizes: | €140,600 |

Aivaras Kerušauskas opened to 6,000 from UTG and got called by Vasilijus Piskunovas from the cut-off.
Action went check-check on the 3♣A♣2♣ flop. On the turn 7♣, Kerušauskas bet 5,500 and Piskunovas med the call. Both players then checked the K♣ river.
Aivaras Kerušauskas: A♠7♠
Vasilijus Piskunovas: A♦Q♥
With neither player holding a club, they shared the pot in a friendly manner.
Aivaras Kerušauskas: 128,000
Vasilijus Piskunovas: 125,000
Prior to this hand Virginijus Lapėnas, Michailas Miserkejevas, Aki Pyysing, Sarunas Leonavicius, Serhii Leonov, Aleksandras Rusinovas, Grzegorz Zimnoch, Tal Shani, Elvinas Vitkevicius, Edgaras Truskauskas, Dominykas Rimkevičius, and Modestas Kryžanauskas had to bid farewell from the tournament.