Level 17: | 2,500/5,000 (5,000) |
Entries: | 38/296 |
Prizes: | €140,600 |

Marko Hynynen went all in for 34,000 and got called by Jurgis Beinoras who had him covered.
Marko Hynynen: 10♠10♣
Jurgis Beinoras: J♥J♦
The board ran out 7♦2♥8♦Q♣K♥ meaning Hynynen busted in 39th. There’s now only 3 players waving the Finnish flag remaining in the tournament: Jari Mähönen, Aklilu Laitinen, and Rasmus Sihvonen.
Jurgis Beinoras: 144,000
Marko Hynynen: 0