Level 26: | 25,000/50,000 (50,000) |
Entries: | 4/296 |
Prizes: | €140,600 |

Nerius Rutkauskas has been aggressive on the final table and he doesn’t seem to have any intentions to slow down. After an initial open from Vygerdas Jonikas to 100,000 and a call from Lukas Kviecinskas, Rutkauskas 3-bet to 350,000 from the small blind. Jonikas folded but Kviecinskas decided to stick around.
Action went check-check on the 3♣10♠K♠ flop. On the turn 10♦, Rutkauskas fired 175,000 and Kviecinskas made the call. The river was the 4♠; Rutkauskas sized up and bet 600,000, enough to make Kviecinskas fold.
Nerius Rutkauskas: 3,500,000
Lukas Kviecinskas: 1,700,000